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How to Chat with Buyers
Step 1: Access the Chat Box
Navigate to My Account > Chat Box
Click on the Chat Box tab. You will be directed to the Chat Box page.
Step 2: Set Your Availability Status
Under the Users section, select your availability mode as Online or Offline.
When set to Online, you and your buyers can chat live.
When set to Offline, buyers can still send you messages, but these will be stored as Offline Messages.
Step 3: Access Offline Messages
When you are Offline, any messages from buyers are stored under the Offline Messages section.
To view these messages:
Click on the Offline Messages button to navigate to the Offline Chat Messages page.
On the Offline Chat Messages page, you will see details for each message, including:
User: The sender of the message
Email: The email address of the sender
Message: The content of the message
Date: Date and time of the message
Delete: Click to delete the chat history record
Step 4: View Chat History
To review past interactions, click on the Chat History button to access the Chat History page.
The Chat History page displays details about each conversation:
User: The person you chatted with
Total Messages: Total number of messages exchanged in the chat
Duration: Duration of the live chat
Evaluation: Indicates the quality of the conversation (Good or Bad)
Date: Date and time of the conversation
View: Click to view the full chat history.
Delete: Click to delete the chat history record.